Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I love nerds

A couple of years ago while watching the first season of The OC, I became love-smacked with Anna’s quirky style and disposition, as well as the fact that she made out with Seth numerous times. This television experience made me (embarrassingly) a love sick teen, coveting an Orange County experience and a skinny, nerdy boyfriend. I mean, think about it: Adam Brody glamourised ‘geek’ and introduced the world to boys in skinny jeans and Chucks.

Well, ladies, want to transform your boyfriend’s wardrobe to geek him out? Check out this hip-to-be-square (I didn’t find this term on an episode of Sesame Street, what are you talking about?) website to get your fix: Seth Cohen, you will be mine.

Last week's nerdboyfriend inspiration, Sir Ian McKellan.


  1. Guys in skinny jeans and Chucks? Where would you find that? :)

  2. How lucky am I to have my own Seth Cohen?
