Brazilian-based brand, Melissa are giving ladies across the world the opportunity to join them in wearing recycled tyres as footwear. Say whaaaa? Yes, my fellow footwear fiends, women can now wear show-stopping heels while contributing to saving the environment.
I remember buying my first pair of Melissa shoes. With a cup of tea in hand on a Sunday afternoon, I was scouring ebay for, well, anything; online shopping is my kryptonite, gahhh! After spending far too much time flicking through page after page of search results for platform wedges, I came across a scarlet-coloured and velvet pair with a Minnie Mouse peep toe and a petite ankle strap. GAAAW-JUSS! They were reasonably priced, but due to being shipped from a US seller, I ended up being hit with a rather hefty postage bill. My PayPal account certainly copped a bit of a bruising that day, ouch!
I later learned that this brand is internationally recognised as being a strong advocate for sustainable fashion, saving the environment by utilising materials like old car tyres while creating their original pieces. By using these recycled materials, Melissa shoes are lessening the amount of carbon gases omitted into the atmosphere from the burning of rubber tyres.
Catching the attention of shoe-lovers worldwide, Melissa shoes have partnered up with eclectic designer, Vivienne Westwood, releasing numerous ranges of sweet and sassy heels – collections that have sold out and restocked in online stores across the globe.
Saving the world in 6-inch platforms sounds like some over exaggerated motif typical of Sex and the City. Hey, I love SJP, but really, with all the hype around the new movie, you’d think it was all about how four women finding the bloody Holy Grail while wearing Manolo Blahnik’s. But, could you honestly think of anything better? Buying an affordable pair of to-die-for heels that largely contribute to preserving the world we live in and erasing the carbon footprint that we, and our predecessors, have trampled the earth with. Well, step aside Carrie, as women all across the world are proving to be large contributors in preserving the environment by showing off a pair of Melissa’s.
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