Friday, June 10, 2011

Sleep the benefits

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On this wintery, cold June morning, I woke up sleepy, despite having over eight hours sleep. I rolled out of bed contemplating an early siesta at 9am - yeah, that kind of sleepy. All this time spent on thinking about lethargy and how nice it would be to crawl back into bed for just a few more hours caused me to question just how important sleep is for us.

OK, OK obviously without sleep we'd all trot around like the un-dead and, perhaps, tear our next-door neighbour's limbs off in an effort to soothe the hunger of needing some shut-eye (isn't what all those weird zombie movies are all about?). However, researchers in San Antonio, Texas have discovered that sleep can actually restore one's colour reception, sharpening the way in which we the view the world on a daily basis. Scientists have also found that sleep makes our memories stronger and assists with creativity.

So, it seems sleep is pretty important - not just in the way of trying to kick a headache or snooze off a few too many glasses of wine, but each night's slumber can also improve your quality of life. In a huge way.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Grammar hour

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Note to self: always carry around a spray-can for on-site grammar corrections.

Yes, the gym IS good for you

Image sourced from

Sometimes, we need to be reminded of the simple things in life which can make us happy, rather than focusing on what can do the opposite. 

While reading The Guardian's article Health clubs are not a con. Of course healthy lifestyles are good for you. I couldn't get over how simplistic, yet necessary this message is to communicate: exercise can make you happy. At times, we tend to forget fitness isn't just about weight-loss or sculpting a sweet set of abs (um ... what?); David Stalker suggests, "there are numerous lifestyle-related conditions that can be prevented or managed by being active. Looking at physical activity solely through an obesity-tinted lens ignores its physical, mental, social and emotional benefits".

So, while you may be enticed to take up a sword-fighting class at your local gym because you've heard it will work wonders on toning your arm muscles, take a step back and think about just how fun this class can be - and how good that is for your general well-being. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011


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During any spare moment, I either devour a magazine or internet. Like the word Google, internet-ing is now, well, for me, an adjective (I wonder if Anna Wintour would approve of my latest Urban Dictionary inspired term?). Well, while internet-ing this week, losing myself in links and pages extending from my go-to websites and blogs (like, Refinery29, Cut, Vulture, PedestrianThe New York Times, The Guardian and The Sydney Morning Herald) I came across some facts I couldn't deter from mentioning on my blog.

1. Anna Wintour dislikes adjectives (!?)

2. Lady Gaga chews up record sales, as well as Letterman's notes

3. Zooey Deschanel has launched a new women-friendly website

Admittedly, fossicking the World Wide Web for stories ideas or inspiration calms me more than having a few hours free to paint my fingernails - which is a rarity, in itself! Geeky? Yes. Necessary? Completely.